From Basra to Isfahan is 1100 km . Isfahan is a town situated on savanna.
It has been said a lot about the green environment and fragrant air of Isfahan and the vast rapid waters of its Zayanderud river.
“Jean-Baptiste Tavernier” is one of the travelers who was in Isfahan at the beginning of Shah Suleiman’s rule. He described the Moharram atmosphere in the Naqshe Jahan Square as follow:
Merrit Hawkes is the American writer and Journalist who has traveled to Iran during the reign of Reza Shah, and visited the cities of Bushehr, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Kerman, Qom, Tehran, and the northern parts of Iran.
Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, who was in Isfahan at the beginning of Shah Suleiman’s rule, described the atmosphere of Muharram in Naqsh-e Jahan Square, in his traveloque.
Engelbert Kaempfer, the German physician and traveller who travelled to Iran at the time of Shah Suleiman’s coronation, recounted what he saw in his travelogue.
Up until a hundred years ago, Isfahan’s rose was world famous so much so that a world traveler such as Pierre Loti would take the trouble of going all the way from Champs-Élysées to Chaharbagh.