Isfahan Museum of Contemporary Art

Polygon Tower of Rakibkhaneh

Isfahan Museum of Contemporary Art is established in a building that was constructed in the 17th century during the reign of the Shah Abbas I.

Date: 3 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
Polygon Tower of Rakibkhaneh

Isfahan Museum of Contemporary Art is established in a building that was constructed in the 17th century during the reign of the Shah Abbas I. This building is registered under the name of “Rakibkhaneh” (meaning “riding equipment storage”) and where previously riding equipment, harness, and other stable equipment were kept.

At the corner of this building there is a beautiful polygon multi-storey tower. In the past, this tower was used to show the city and the scope of the royal buildings from above to the foreign ambassadors. An amazing panorama of the city revealed magnificence and glory of the city and opened it before the eyes of the western travelers.

Name Rakibkhaneh
Archaism Safavid, 1st King Abbas
Reason for Building Place for keeping governmental horseback riding and stalls equipment
Location Ostandari Street
Current Usage Isfahan Contemporary Arts Museum

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