Faces of Isfahan – Zell-e Soltan

Royal Horn Hall

Zell-e Soltan was very fond of hunting. The number of his hunts was so big that it is said the whole species of mouflons, wild goats, and other animals in the region went extinct.

Date: 3 months ago
Reading Time: 2 min
Royal Horn Hall

Zell-e Soltan was very fond of hunting. The number of his hunts was so big that it is said the whole species of mouflons, wild goats, and other animals in the region went extinct.

If we look to the memoirs of the Mass’oud Mirza Zell-e Soltan, he is proud to such an extent of the extinction of some of the species, as if he had accomplished some royal masterpiece. For example, in one chapter of the memoirs he writes: “We shot so many birds, that for days no bird flying was seen in the skies.”

Zell-e Soltan liked to enter through the gates of the Rakibkhaneh on horseback and while holding his hunt in his hands. His servants and his retinue rushed to take the hunt from his hands and in order to pleasure the king they separated the hunt’s head and hung it on the opposite wall, on the Russian stucco carvings, that his majesty Mass’oud Mirza could take a photo next to the heads of his hunts. Zell-e Soltan also forced his daughter to wear men’s clothes and to stand next to the same pool, next to the same beautiful stucco carvings, back to the wall full of hung heads of the hunted animals, in a manly posture and gesture to be photographed.

This place was called “Horn Hall” because there were so many mouflons, wild goats hung upon the wall. The photographs of the Horn Hall still exist.

Name Masoud Mirza
Dynasty Ghajarieh
Ruling City Isfahan
Fame Destroyer of Isfahan’s historical monuments
Date of Death July 4, 1918
Tomb Mashhad City

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