Abbasi Hotel

Luxury Historical Abbasi Caravanserai

Due to the request of Sultan Husayn’s mother, Chaharbagh school was founded in the year 1700. In order to cover the expenses of the school Sultan Husayn built additional buildings, such as a store and caravanserai, around the school and dedicated them to the same school together with some farmlands and gardens.

Date: 3 months ago
Reading Time: 2 min
Luxury Historical Abbasi Caravanserai

Due to the request of Sultan Husayn’s mother, Chaharbagh school was founded in the year 1700. In order to cover the expenses of the school Sultan Husayn built additional buildings, such as a store and caravanserai, around the school and dedicated them to the same school together with some farmlands and gardens. In the 40 pages letter of endowment of the new imperial religious school or, as it is called, Chaharbagh school written in 1740 it is said: “The entire specified land situated next to the glorious and religiou school, and all the rooms of the new caravanserai built in the mentioned lands with all the buildings, chambers and other new construction are endowed.” In this letter of endowment, it was also said that the endowed property must be repaired using the money gained from the activities of the caravanserai. This building has a large square yard surrounded by porches divided into two-storied white chambers. There are streams of water running inside the yard and also stone benches designated to help to unload the caravans and to provide a place for taking rest. Unfortunately, all the mentioned constructions were ruined during the Mongol invasion and were abandoned until the time of Zell-e Soltan who spent 10 thousand tomans to repair the market and caravanseraito accommodate his 21 thousand troops. In the year 1957 the government decided to turn the caravanserai into an international hotel with the new features so a contract between Iran Insurance Company and Endowment Affairs Office of Isfahan was concluded in March of 1957, according to which the Fathiyyeh Caravanserai was leased to the Iran Insurance Company for the period of 60 years to build a guesthouse there on their own expenses. now there is the most luxurious hotel in Isfahan, that has become the pride of the city representing the local architecture of Iran.

Name Abbasi Hotel
Previous Names Abbasi Caravansary, Shah Abbas Hotel
Establisher King Sultan Hossein Safavid
Archaism Safavid Era
Initial Usage Caravansary
Location Amadegah Street, Chaharbagh Abbasi Street

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