Faces of Isfahan – Hassan Kassai


Born on 44th of November in 1928. Was a student of Mahdi Navayi who himself was a student of Nayeb Asadollah.

Date: 2 months ago
Reading Time: 2 min

Born on 44th of November in 1928. Was a student of Mahdi Navayi who himself was a student of Nayeb Asadollah. He started learning under the supervision of Navayi when he was twelve years old. He was born under a lucky star because many of the prominent personalities of that time visited his father Haj Seyyedjavad Kassai at their home, for example, Seyyed Hossein Taherzadeh, Jalaloddin Taj Isfahani, Akbar Khan Nouruzi, members of the Shahnaz family (Sha’ban Khan, Hossein Agha, Ali Agha and Jalil Shahnaz) and Adib Khansari.

The closeness to such great artists and personalities made him, who was in love with music already, to try even harder and in addition to the lessons gained from his professors in Isfahan, he sought education in the school of Abulhassan Saba in Tehran. Hassan Kassai presented valuable works to the history of Iranian music.

One of the most important and most memorable pieces he has created, and that is known by heart be every Iranian, and especially by every Isfahanian, is the “Salam” piece. The story of how this musical piece, written in chahargah mode, was created is also very interesting. Hassan Kassai remembers: “One early morning I went to bazar. Businessmen and townspeople by bicycles or by foot were rushing to the bazar to start their daily business.

Every time they saw someone they knew, a neighbor or an acquaintance, they greeted one another and moved on.” This is how by hearing greetings in a sweet dialect of Isfahan the author was inspired to write a musical piece, the now famous “Salam”. This musical greeting that in early autumn mornings with its harmonious hustle and bluster wakes up all the sleepers, takes away all the morning laziness and helps to get ready for a new day. Hassan Kassai passed away on 14th of June in 2012.

Name Hasssa Kassaie
Profession Musician, Player of the Ney and Setar
Lifetime From Year 1928 thru 2012
Masters Mehdi Navaie, Abudlhassan Saba
Most Important Piece Hello
Tomb Isfahan Takht-e Foolad Graveyard
Name Mehdi Navaie
Master’s Name Soleiman Isfahani, Nayeb Asadollah
Lifetime From Year 1906 thru 1947
Well-known Students Hossein Amini (Master Yavar)

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