Throughout history we have read and heard that the large and rich libraries of Iran were burnt by the enemies during attacks. Regarding the statistics of Isfahan’s libraries there are no accurate information; maybe the first library of Isfahan, was Jame mosque library that was burnt in year 515 AH and it was it flames for two whole weeks.
During the time of Diyalameh and Seljukian, Isfahan’s libraries were considered as the greatest libraries. There was nothing alike the personal library of Saheb Bin Ebad in the country. Also, the popular library of Khajeh Nezam Al-Molk at Isfahan’s police department was very large and rich.
At the royal palace of King Abbas, a huge and luxurious room was dedicated to the royal library. In this library, books were stacked on each other and they were organized by the volume of the books and no their subject, content and author. During those times, the author’s name was only printed on the back of the book.
One of the other great and valuable libraries during King Fathali Ghajar in Isfahan was the great library of Haj Seyed Mohammad Bagher Shafti. In this precious library, many handwritten and printed books of that time were available. The Ayatollah himself also believed that every book that was written and printed, he must have a copy of it.
His handwritten books were very valuable and most of them were written by the best calligraphers with gold and azure and vermilion and some of them had a few gold frontispieces. The cover of these books were mostly leather and a lot of them were designed with Muaraq patterns. Although Ayatollah Shafti’s wealth was incalculable, one of his children name Haj Seyed Assadollah gave up all his father’s heritage and just toke over his library.
Name Seyed Mosque
Founder Seyed Mohammad Bagher Shafti
Archaism Ghajarieh Era (13th Century AH)
Current Usage Religious (Mosque)
Significance It does not have any minarets
National Heritage Registration No. 107
Name Seyed Mohammad Bagher Shafti
Nicknames Rashti, Bidabadi
Profession Shiite Clergy
Important Action Building Seyed Mosque of Isfahan
Lifetime Probably From Year 1762 thru 1844