Timur Lang took a great deal of pleasure in his servant company and also he enjoyed talking to him, even though he were not safe of his servant`s wise cracks, and he always accompanied him. Once upon a time that he wanted to go to the bathroom, he also invited his maid, and took him with himself. When they washed their heads and bodies, they sat on the platform in the bathroom and started talking. Timur asked his humorist servant ” if I were a slave and you wanted to sell me, how much you sold me?” The humorist servant thought a little, and then he said “Sir; although I`m not a dealer, I priced on you equal to 50 Ashrafi”. Timur became angry ans said” really you are so unfair, 50 Ashrafi is the price of loincloth which I now wear”. Witty answered laughingly” sweet heart! I also gave the price of loincloth”.
Name Timur
Nickname Timur(-i) Lang, Amir Timur, Tamerlane, Timur the Lam Turco-Mongol conqueror. the founder of the Timurid Empire in Persia and Central Asia, the first ruler in the Timurid dynasty
Year of arriving in Isfahan 1387
Reign April 1370– 14 February 1405