Badroud's Carpet-Weaving Songs:

Carpet-Weaving Orchestra!

Most often a number of songs about pattern reading as well as some rhythmic poems are sung by women during the process of carpet weaving.

Date: 16:45 - Sunday 2023/08/20
Reading Time: < 1 min
Carpet-Weaving Orchestra!

Most often a number of songs about pattern reading as well as some rhythmic poems are sung by women during the process of carpet weaving. These are famously called carpet-weaving songs.

The carpet-weaving songs of Badroud are generally categorized into two groups: the ones related to pattern reading and those about carpets, each containing distinct poems.

It is worth noting that in performing pattern-reading songs, a segment of the pattern is read rhythmically by one person while the other one executes that part of the pattern.

So the second person weaves the carpet and then responds to the pattern reader by uttering a short rhythmic phrase (“zadam, zadam,” roughly meaning “did it, did it”) in order to confirm the completion of that part of weaving.

Most of the carpets woven in Badroud have a symmetrical pattern, which means that the design of the right half of the carpet is exactly the same as its left half.

Occasionally, in some carpet-weaving workshops of Badroud, a number of carpet looms are assembled, and the master sings the pattern songs while the weavers, sitting at separate looms, perform them simultaneously.

Women of Badroud have incorporated their beliefs, wishes, and generally whatever has been on their minds into these songs, which are performed during carpet weaving.

These songs may have different themes and subjects, but they usually refer to traditional and religious beliefs, adventurous love stories, and complaints about hardships of life.

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