Naqshe Jahan Square

The shah walking behind knowledge

One day, Shah Abbas went to the Bazaar to visit Molla Abdelah at the Molla Abdelah School. Amazingly, he found the school to be empty from students.

Date: 5 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
The shah walking behind knowledge

One day, Shah Abbas went to the Bazaar to visit Molla Abdelah at the Molla Abdelah School. Amazingly, he found the school to be empty from students. When he asked for the reson, Molla Abdelah said that he would give his answer another time. At another time, when the Shah had gone to visit Molla Abdelah, he told the Molla to ask for something.

Molla Abdelah said that he did not need anything. When the Shah insisted, he said: “now that you insist, I have one need; and that is for you to walk in my retinue, in the presence of people, for a few steps at the Shah’s Square, whilst I ride on horseback”. When the Shah asked for its reason, he said that he would give him the reason at another time. Out of the respect the Shah had to scholars and theologians, he agreed and did so in the presence of the people.

After some time, he went back to the Molla’s madrasa, and this time found the school filled with students. He asked for the reason, and the Molla answered: “at first, people did not understand the importance of knowledge and scholars, but now it is clear to them that the importance of seeking knowledge is such that a Shah like you walks alongside an ordinary man like me. This attracted people to knowledge.”

Name The Molla Abdellah Madrasa
Era Shah Abbas I Safavid
Reason of founding Molana Abdellah Shushtari’s teachings
National Heritage Registration No.224 at 22nd Azar 1313 Solar

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