Sheykh Bahaei Bath

A mysterious historical bath house!

Lots of interesting stories have been quoted about Sheykh Bahaei public bath house.

Date: 3 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
A mysterious historical bath house!

Lots of interesting stories have been quoted about Sheykh Bahaei public bath house. But what is more famous than others is its candle story The people of Isfahan believed since the old times, that Shaykh Bahai built the stove of this hammam, so that it can be warmed by only one candle and under the cauldron of the stove, he made an empty closed space and lit a candle in it and the candle was lighted for a very long time and the water of the hammam became warm by it.

Endless power of the candle to burn probably was caused by sewage of Friday mosque and fuel oil. Unfortunately, to find the answer to this question, European researchers have turned off the bath`s candle and of course this secret covered up until now. The historical Shaykh Bahai hammam belongs to the Safavid era and is located in the Shaykh Bahai alley in the Abd or-Razagh street.

It was built in 1616 by Shaykh Bahai in the era of Abbas I and is located between Jameh mosque of Isfahan and Harounieh in the old Bazaar near the famous Darb-e Imam. Nowadays it is not usable anymore and need urgent repairment.

Name Sheikh Bahaie Bathhouse
Archaism Safavid Era
Establisher Sheikh Bahaie
Built Year 1616
Geographical Location Sheikh Bahaie Alley Abdulrazagh Street
National Heritage Registration No. 2063 and on July 20, 1998

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