Figures of Isfahan – Hossein Hamedanian

Contemporary Entrepreneurial Perspectives

While visiting the Tuba garden I remember the story of Hossein Hamedanian, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist of Isfahan, who is buried in a cemetery located next to this garden.

Date: 2 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
Contemporary Entrepreneurial Perspectives

While visiting the Tuba garden I remember the story of Hossein Hamedanian, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist of Isfahan, who is buried in a cemetery located next to this garden. He is the founder of one of the oldest Iranian cement factories that was established in 1955.

It is told that once, when he was talking to his German consultant about the construction of cement factory in Isfahan, the consultant engineer expressed his satisfaction about the nearby mines providing primary materials for the factory by saying that the material from these mines will be enough for the next 400 years. But Hamedanian asked immediately: “So what are we going to do after 400 years?” And that is so that after sixty years the wheels of the factory and charity are still turning and helping to the economy of this city and its people.

Other accomplishments of Hossein Hamedanian were the foundation of the weaving and knitting factory “Shahnaz” in 1950, that later was renamed to “Bafnaz”, establishment of the animal husbandry farm in the Hassanabad area, in 1963 he established “Hamedanian” charity foundation and also built a dormitory for the students from Isfahan in the university campus and donated it to the Tehran University in 1970.

Name Hossein Hamedanian
Profession Craftsman
D.O.B Year 1910 in Isfahan
Established Factories Shahnaz (Bafnaz) Textile Manufacturing Company, Isfahan Cement Company
Date of Death Year 1978 in London
Tomb Takht-e Foolad Graveyard in Isfahan

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