The life story of Saru Taqi is very bitter and sorrowful. He was a son of bread baker’s family originating from the people of Azerbaijan, but he was able during his career to reach the highest positions in the governmental institutions that finally he became a prime minister.
He very accurately performed his duties and was very professional. To a such extent that some people were even comparing him to Amir Kabir. During the reign of the King Safi he became a governor of the Mazandaran province and later he became a prime minister. Saru Taqi was very precise and courageous and was fighting with the corruption of high-rank officials and that caused to gain many enemies among them, that finally he was killed at their hands.
This event was very painful for Shah Abbas II, who was still very young. His mother the queen was also a supporter of Saru Taqi. After three-four days had passed from that event she ordered to kill everyone from the group that planned and performed the assassination and their corpses were thrown from the Ali Qapu palace’s porch down to the Shah square and were left there for two-three days in order for others to learn the lesson. It is told that a magnificent tomb was built for Saru Taqi, but it did not remain. The mosque named after Saru Taqi exists in the Joubareh neighborhood, and some are saying that his grave is somewhere close to this mosque, but these are also unsupported claims.
Name Saro Taghi
Father’s Name Mirza Hedayatollah Tabrizi
Nickname Etemad Al-Dolleh
Profession Prime Minister of King Safi and 2nd King Abbas