Ilchi Mosque

Safavid Mosque for the Ambassador’s Daughter

Saheb Soltan Beygom was a daughter of Nezam-odDin Mohammad Ilchi who was also know as Hakim-olMolk Ilchi.

Date: 3 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
Safavid Mosque for the Ambassador’s Daughter

Saheb Soltan Beygom was a daughter of Nezam-odDin Mohammad Ilchi who was also know as Hakim-olMolk Ilchi. Some are saying that he was the ambassador of the Ottoman Empire and others say that it is more correct to claim that he was the ambassador of India.

Of course, some are convinced that he was from the people of Isfahan that was sent to the embassies in different countries and because of that he was called Ilchi (meaning “ambassador”). Ilchi mosque was founded by the request of his daughter Saheb Soltan Beygom.

This mosque has beautiful inscriptions and exquisite decorations. In a small porch of this mosque there is a very beautiful mihrab decorated with the inscriptions in a beautiful thuluth script on the azure tiles. Ilchi mosque is located in the Ahmadabad neighborhood.

Name Ilchi Mosque
Geographical Location Ahmadabad Street, Shekar Shekan Intersection
Archaism 11th Century AH
National Heritage Registration No. 271 and on March 3, 1937

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