Isfahan’s Gardens

Hafez and Saljuqi Garden, Safavid Garden

During the Seljuk period, there was a world famous garden located here in Isfahan, it was called Karan Garden.

Date: 2 months ago
Reading Time: < 1 min
Hafez and Saljuqi Garden, Safavid Garden

During the Seljuk period, there was a world famous garden located here in Isfahan, it was called Karan Garden. It was located in today’s Khaju neighborhood and apparently next to other gardens, such as Salm garden, Falasan garden and Ahmadsiyah garden.

Even Hafez Shirazi, the famous Iranian poet, has mentioned it in his poems: “Although hundreds of rivers flow from my eyes constantly/ I remember Zayanderud and Karan garden with delight.” Other beautiful gardens, such as Naqsh-e Jahan, Chinikhaneh, Badamestan, Behesht-e A’in, Angurestan, Kajavekhaneh, Ahmadsiyah, Karan, Tajabad, Takht-e Tavuskhaneh, Nastaran, Mirza Mehdi Khan, Baba Amir, Kol Anayeb, Qushkhaneh, Shah, Zereshk, Manuchehr Khan Mo’tamedoddoleh, Daruqe, Tofangchi Aqasi, Vaqaye’nevis and Divan-e Beygi.

All of these were beautiful gardens founded in the period of the Safavid dynasty or a little later around the area of Zayanderud river or, the bigger part of them, around the area of the Safavid Government house and today almost from none of them even a small has remained. Today these names of the pervious gardens are only met among the streets and alleys.

Name Karan Garden
Archaism Seljukian
Establisher Malekshah Seljuki
Geographical Location North of Zayandehrood and Includes Kamal Ismael Street, Ferdosi, Manouchehri, Majmar, Sadr Chaharbagh and Khajou Neighborhood

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