It is told that one day Hakim Mohammad Davud in order to inspect how the works of the mosque construction are going went to the construction site and by invoking all his sharp mind he checked out everything. Suddenly he noticed mules carrying bricks, plaster and other building materials from the brick furnaces to the construction site.
The bodies of the animals were wounded and bloody. He was told that the mule drovers in order to make them move faster fostered them with the sticks having sharp tips. Hakim after hearing these explanations became very distressed and ordered to demolish everything that had been built till then and said: “The foundations of this mosque were built with cruelty.”
According to this narrative, he later ordered to scatter grass on the route from the brick furnaces to the construction site that while carrying bricks, plaster and other building material mules could feed also, and he ordered to start building a mosque from anew. Jean Chardin, a French traveler, in his travelogue writes: “Hakim Davud, who was a doctor of the Shah Safi and Shah Abbas II, because of the conspiracies of the courtiers lost the trust of the Shah and was expecting even worse happenings. So he escaped to India and started to serve in the court of Aurangzeb, the 6th Mughal emperor, successfully progressed and as soon as he reached a high position in the Mughal government he sent a lot of riches to his family in Isfahan and ordered to built a mosque.”
Name Hakim Mosque
Other Name Jorjir Mosque
Archaism 2nd King Abbas Safavid Reign
Establisher Hakim Mohammad Davoud; the King’s Physician
National Heritage Registration No. 223 and 22 azar 13