Women of the boy’s family choose a girl for him and then go to her family’s house in order to meet the girl and become more familiar with each other.
During the spring and specifically from mid-April to mid-May, Kashan County becomes one of the most important tourist destinations in Iran due to the traditional ceremony of golab-giri or making rose water.
March 21 marks the start of the year in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Exactly 48 days after the anniversary of the tragic events of Ashura, a great ritual known as the 48th ritual is performed in Badroud, attended by a large population of mourners coming from different parts of the country.
Kotal is one of the most magnificent Ashura rituals. It is filled with secrets, symbols and signs. In some sources, kotal is defined as an embellished horse.
Saqaei is to lament the sufferings experienced by the family of Prophet Muhammad, in particular Imam Husayn and his companions, in the form of a collective and coordinated monody.
Qālišuyān rituals are practiced in Iran to honor the memory of Soltān Ali, a holy figure among the people of Kāšān and Fin.
The Jaljalani ritual, which was registered as part of Iran’s intangible heritage, is performed every year in the whole village from January 8th to January 10th at nights.
The culture of making and sharing flatbread in communities of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkey carries social functions that have enabled it to continue as a widely-practised tradition.
Since the old days, local and traditional dolls have been made by the talented women of Badroud and used for decoration on the shelves, for little girls to play with, or as an item in the brides’ dowry.
Over several centuries, the people of Borkhar County collected and updated these poems and accentuated their religious aspects, making them fit for ta’zieh performances.
The national and religious ritual of sanj-zani is annually held in Veshad District, Aran va Bidgol City, on the Day of Ashura, which is the 10th day of Muharram.