Timur Lang took a great deal of pleasure in his servant company and also he enjoyed talking to him, even though he were not safe of his servant`s wise cracks, and he always accompanied him.
Isfahanis are always been known to be funny and smart. Many old texts have also mentioned this characteristic of Isfahani people and have mentioned some examples as well. “Jafar Shahri” writes: “one day an Isfahani goes to the Hakimbashi Bathhouse in Tehran’s Bazaar.
When you are walking through the Golzar-e Shohada (Martyrs’ Graveyard), you ask yourself why does Isfahan have all these martyrs? Throughout history, we have heard so much about the passion and courage of the people of Isfahan.
Up until a few years ago, if you wanted give someone directions or ask for directions, you would have definitely come across the word “Falakeh (Square)”.
In the folklore literature of any nation, there are stories that the extract of those stories becomes anecdotes and becomes part of the vocabulary, literature and culture of its people.