He is sitting on top of the roof of the Ali Qapu Palace. Cool and quiet wind blows and scatters his handwritten notes.
I am Alexandra Yarmolska Rimashovska. It was the beginning of May in 1944 that I together with other Polish children, there were some hundreds of us, we were sent away from the World War II and reached Isfahan.
Due to the request of Sultan Husayn’s mother, Chaharbagh school was founded in the year 1700. In order to cover the expenses of the school Sultan Husayn built additional buildings, such as a store and caravanserai, around the school and dedicated them to the same school together with some farmlands and gardens.
When you look at the Baba Ghassem school’s construction date, that is the year of 1324, it becomes clear that it was built 100 years after the Mongol invasion to Iran.
One of the famous traditional dishes of Isfahan province is beryani dating back to 180 years before the coming to power of Reza Shah.
Gaz is traditional candies made in Isfahan, and it is the first Iranian product that was exported and presented to the world during the time of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar.
If both sangak bread and lavash bread are served on the breakfast table, the first choice of most of us is sangak bread.
He has come all the way from Klainmashkaldan to Isfahan to carry a message to the people of Isfahan of a better life.
It is told that during the Abbasid Caliphate from the year 744 dirham coinage started in the mints across Iran, and Isfahan was one of the most important coinage centers.
Abbasi Shopping Center is located in Amadegah street and was built in the seventies according to the proposed project that became a winner in a public tender.
Among the historical bazars of Isfahan Timcheh Malek is particularly famous mostly because of its style of architecture and very beautiful and eye-catching decorations.
One of the most lovable mausoleums of the people of Isfahan is located in the historical Sonbolestan neighborhood, close to the old Dardasht quarter. This mausoleum is called “Darb-e Imam” (meaning “doors of imams”).