Zell-e Soltan was very fond of hunting. The number of his hunts was so big that it is said the whole species of mouflons, wild goats, and other animals in the region went extinct.
Isfahan Museum of Contemporary Art is established in a building that was constructed in the 17th century during the reign of the Shah Abbas I.
The first churches built in the Jolfa neighborhood did not have bells nor bell towers.
In the 17th century, the Armenians of the Jolfa neighborhood had a small church called “Saint Hakoup”.
It is told that one day Hakim Mohammad Davud in order to inspect how the works of the mosque construction are going went to the construction site and by invoking all his sharp mind he checked out everything.
In the historic Joubareh neighborhood Seljuq minaret is visible from afar and which is leaning a little. There is a story popular among the people which says: “When the minaret was being built old woman passed by it. Workers were busy in building the minaret.
During the Seljuk period, there was a world famous garden located here in Isfahan, it was called Karan Garden.
Saheb Soltan Beygom was a daughter of Nezam-odDin Mohammad Ilchi who was also know as Hakim-olMolk Ilchi.
While visiting the Tuba garden I remember the story of Hossein Hamedanian, a renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist of Isfahan, who is buried in a cemetery located next to this garden.
It is quoted that ,when Saljuk turks arrowed the siege around Isfahan …
Lots of interesting stories have been quoted about Sheykh Bahaei public bath house.